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All your payments in one area

By accessing in authenticated mode, you have a private area where you can manage all your payment, both spontaneous and on notice, for the benefit of the Municipality of Naples and the other Municipalities belonging to PartenoPay.

Savings on commission costs

Using the payment cart feature available in the private area, you can make multiple payments in a single transaction thus saving on commission costs.

Notifications on payments and deadlines

In your private area you can view the constantly updated situation regarding your payment notices and receive notifications on upcoming deadlines and payments made.

Start to learn about Partenopay

Who is it for?

The portal is aimed at citizens , professionals and businesses that have to make payments for the benefit of the Municipality of Naples and the Municipalities of the metropolitan area of ​​Naples adhering to the PartenoPay platform.

What can I pay

You can make spontaneous payments for the benefit of the Municipality of Naples and the Municipalities of the metropolitan area participating in PartenoPay to take advantage of the services provided or pay notices relating to contributions, penalties and local taxes notified by your organization.

You can make spontaneous payments for the benefit of the Municipality of Naples and the Municipalities of the metropolitan area participating in PartenoPay to use the services disbursed or pay notices relating to contributions, penalties and local taxes notified by your organization.
Payment notices without the payment ID and currently the F24 Templates.

You can make spontaneous payments (click here to view the services currently available) or on pagoPA notice, even on behalf of third parties. Furthermore, by accessing your private area you can pay the notices notified to you by the municipalities participating in the platform. The types of payment accepted by the pagoPa system are not included:

  • Models F24
  • Payment notices without notice code.

Receipts issued following payments made beyond outside the pagoPA circuit they cannot be recovered through the PartenoPay platform.

How can I pay

If you have a pagoPA payment notice issued by a municipality belonging to PartenoPay you can pay online (by credit card, bank transfer, PayPal, etc.) or through the physical channels provided by the PagoPA circuit (branches banks, post offices, ATMs, SISAL, Lottomatica and Banca 5 points of sale, etc.)

If you have a pagoPA payment notice issued by a municipality belonging to PartenoPay you can pay online (by credit card, bank transfer, PayPal, etc.) or through the physical channels provided by the PagoPA circuit (bank branches, Post Offices, ATMs, SISAL, Lottomatica and Banca 5 points of sale, etc.)

All payments on the pagoPA circuit can be made by selecting a Service Provider Payment Services (PSP) among those adhering to the system of electronic payments to the Public Administration; the updated list of Payment Service Providers ( PSP) is available on the website of the Agency for Digital Italy.

How do I log in

You can access your private area in authenticated mode to take advantage of all the features offered by the portal or you can only some operations offered by PartenoPay without logging in .

You can access your private area in authenticated mode to take advantage of all the features offered by the portal or you can only some operations offered by PartenoPay without authenticating you .

Authenticated access to the portal can be done using the credentials SPID ; shortly it will also be possible to access through the new Electronic Identity Card ( CIE ) & nbsp; or the Health Card ( CNS ). By entering your private area you will be able to have all the features for managing your payments such as the display of notices relating to your pending and in particular payments due , the payment of multiple pending payments with a single operation using the cart , consulting the payments archive with the relative receipts by accessing the 'operations list' section.

You can also make spontaneous payments to take advantage of the services made available by the bodies participating in the platform, make payments on behalf of third parties and view payments made by third parties on your behalf.

Access in unauthenticated mode allows you to quickly make prompt or spontaneous payments and search for receipts for payments made.

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